Sunday, June 12, 2005
Sunlink Comment
I got a comment about a post on the Sunlink Announcment Blog I wrote in April.(Yes, the comment number stands at zero, at least for me. But there is a comment there.) Here is a snippet:
We are SO happy that you discovered SUNLINK Announcements! It is intended for Florida K-12 public school library media specialists, but we don't mind if anyone peeks in. I think Blogs and RSS are new to many shcool library media specialists, but there is growing interest and use. We have an article about SUNLINK's use of technology to keep people informed coming out in the next issue of Florida Media Quarterly, and it includes how to subscribe via Bloglines....we hope that will make the number grow.Very interesting. Way to go Florida librarians! And where there were once 8 bloglines subscribers, there are now 10. And 11 feedburner readers (which could overlap...or maybe that is the only feed provided. Because apparently I have the feedburner one.)