Thursday, January 04, 2007
New Year, New Resolutions
Our first day back with the students was today. It was a good day, with a few students changing sections of my class but not too many. I got 3 totally new students, one new to the school, one new to Pre-AP, and one just new to me. I lost three that I can think of. One student just popped into my head. Was he absent or not on the roster at all? Either I didn't take roll effectively or didn't notice that he was there or not there in class until just now. Hmph.
I spent the Christmas Break in Kansas with my family, hoping for snow, watching movies (Pursuit of Happyness, Dreamgirls, and the Holiday -- all fantastic) and checking prices of flights from Houston to Dublin. For some reason, ever since seeing Stranger than Fiction over Christmas Break, I have been obsessed with going to Ireland. I check the flights almost every day. I have 4 books on Ireland and I think I had a dream (bad dream) about staying in a hostel last night. I am planning on going to both Spain and Ireland this summer. And speaking of plans...
2007 Resolutions....
5 Personal
1. Fit into Bridesmaid Dress in March
2. Go to Ireland / Europe in Summer
3. Read more books
4. Write more
5. Watch less TV (but I LOVE TV!!!)
5 Professional
1. Stay out of negativity in department
2. successfully teach Huck Finn
3. go to GT conference
4. Try to stay better organized
5. Read more
5 Financial
1. Open up 403b
2. Look into buying a house
3. Look into buying a car
4. Look into going to Europe
5. Spend the perfect amt. of money on my new flexible spending account