Wednesday, November 30, 2005
And If That Isn't A True Blue Miracle....
When the christmas season comes, I have to do certain things, and watching christmas movies is definately one of them. I have to see It's a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and (embarrasingly) Christmas Eve on Sesame Street.
I love the Sesame street story. Every moment, from when the characters ice skate, to when they finally find Big Bird on the rooftop, with icicles hanging off of his beak. I love the songs and the message. I love the allusion to Gift of the Magi as Bert and Ernie exchange gifts, but sell their favorite possessions along the way. Oh! And then the end when Mr. Hooper (bless his soul) gives back their favorites so everyone has everything.
With the extra time that I have with my fourth period class I intend to first read The Gift of the Magi and then view all or parts of the movie (which I got in the mail via Amazon today, did I mention that I got Christmas Eve on Sesame Street in the mail which makes this the best day ever?). It should be fun.