Saturday, August 06, 2005
Life Update from Houston
I passed my PPR qualifying exam with flying colors this morning. 93% yo! I was a little worried because with all the upheaval in my life last week I had zero time to study. But apparently I am getting it.
Then I drove to Houston today, which took me half the time then it took to drive from Houston to Austin on Tuesday. Thats what happens when you drive straight through.
I got to look at two apartments and put down a hold check deposit on two. I will then decide which one to keep tomorrow. It is two hundred square feet bigger than my old one so that is very happy! Its really open. And it has a fan in the living room. So I am excited about that.
I start work on Monday. And except for my MIA copy of English Teacher's Companion I think I have all my supplies. It's gonna be a good year.