Monday, July 11, 2005
Harry Potter Decision
I love my life sometimes. Right now, one of the major decisions on my mind is whether to take the new Harry Potter book on vacation. It comes out Friday night. I am seriously considering going to Barnes and Noble for one of the release parties. I figure that would be fun. Chaotic, crazy fun. Then on Monday I leave for vacation to California. I cannot read the book in the time between the release and when I get on the plane. Book 5 took me 3 solid days to read. So the question is: Do I take the mammoth (although apparently not as mammoth as 4 or 5) book to California? And so I do a comparison:
- I like reading Harry Potter books.
- I like the idea of reading the book along with millions of other people.
- I need a book to read in the airport, on the planes anyway
- Do I really need an extra pair of shoes or whatever else would take up the room in my suitcase?
- A 670 page book to lug around
- A single minded vacation (MUST. FINISH. BOOK.) (I can picture it now, my dad pointing out the beach or mountains or pretty things outside of the window and I risk carsickness just to find out who dies. That would just be sad.)
- Reading the book while away from my other five. What if I need to reference something and I am 1339.8 miles away?
- Reading the book while away from regular high speed internet access. What if I need to... well... I don't know. But the internet might be the answer.
- Tears in public. At the end of 4, I bawled. I don't really remember much about 5 but I'm pretty sure I cried then too. What if one of my favorites dies and I am inconsolable, just as they are calling that it is my time to board?
Technorati Tags: HarryPotter, HalfBloodPrince, Book6, Reading, Books