Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Fayetteville Public Library wins award
I was so excited to hear that the Fayetteville Public Library has been named Library of the Year. FPL --- the library that still used punch cards and a card catalog when I moved to Fayetteville in seventh grade, in 1993. (A phone call was also a dime when the rest of the country charged a quarter). I remember my reading migration from the young adult section to the adult section. I remember how the sections of books were moved around through the years and how special it was when we got bar codes on our library cards. This was the library that I grew up on and there is a libarian there that I called when I considered getting my MLS.
My family moved away in 2003. I was not there to see the new building, although I did see it in progress last May. I would love to go back and look at it now.
Congratulations, Fayetteville Public Library.