Saturday, May 21, 2005
Teaching Blogging
This post at A Difference talks about reflective blogging and mentions a great teacher/classroom blog talking about their classroom and what is going on. Great discussion about why the teacher chooses to form the groups for a group project. That's fantastic.
In the Reflective Blogging post, teacher blogs are divided into three groups:
- »stories, sometimes rants, of things that happen in school with kids or staff, or
- »sharing perspectives and information on the latest news in education, or
- »reflective blogs about teaching and learning
But the reflective teacher blogs that really get into details are getting closest to what I know is either out there or will be out there shortly. Even if I have to do it myself. :)
Update: On second thought, those reflective blogs are really, REALLY good. I can learn a lot from these people.
Technorati Tags: blogging, blogs, teacher, teacherblog, edublog, education,