Thursday, May 19, 2005
A boy in my class today told me that my hair smelled like a princess. That made my day. (Hopefully that thought will get me through the weekend full of a graduation, friends, family, TExES test, homework due, and Capstone prospectus due. I tried to plan in a stress-induced breakdown but I couldn't find the time.)
In other news, these are some of the many useful and interesting links I have come across lately.
More delicious statistics. This one guesses that there are 9 million posts and 4.5 million bookmarks. Wow. This is just some educated guessing work until real numbers are discovered, but wow.
Tagging for Educators. Something I have been looking for. This post talks about how educators are using or can use It links to various tags in like "classroom" and "lessonplan". I am still waiting for more though. I want to see more lesson plans with novels and links and integration. I want to know how the teachers are using the links by the tags they are using. I want it all.
RSS and more. This talks about and RSS and IP addresses from things discussed at the Syndicate Conference.