Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Capstone Stress
I just sent off my topic proposal for my capstone project. I have also asked to get off work for three hours a week to have time to work on the project. The project I have designed would mean finding websites that would help in the creation of lesson plans or in the implementation of lessons for Junior High English teachers. I would find the websites, analyze them according to certain things, and tag them in a special new account in I would also teach the teachers about and show them how to benefit from it.
It would be facinating and educational. I would really enjoy the project. But I think the likelihood of getting it approved is at about 60%. If it is rejected, I need a whole new topic. And it will all be over in 37 days. Oh my goodness.
Four of those days I will be in St. Louis and I don't know if I will have internet access. Perhaps this travel weekend is a poor decision.