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My head hurts from thinking too hard. About the simple act of choosing tags in and what can affect those choices.
I said this:
But what I really want, is a way to find out what most people use to tag certain things.
As I mentioned to her at the session, I think that if this is done, it would ruin the collective nature of open tagging systems. What makes them useful is that people tag stuff according to their own ontological rules, rather than having to use others' rules.
This is interesting, thought-provoking stuff. Compared with the other stuff out there, I am way out of my league. But here are some of my findings and conclusions.
Well, if this was only about organizing some of my own bookmarks, then I truly wouldn't care. Some of my tags are more subjective and only make sense to me. That is fabulous. For example, I really don't expect the link to
But goes beyond my personal bookmarking. It is social. It’s exciting. And new and confusing.
That is dilemma one: finding out which form of a certain tag is the most popular. I can see how many things I have tagged with “prof_dev” but if I try to see how many things other people have tagged with “prof_dev”, I cannot. Well actually this is a bad example, because the only things linked to prof_dev are mine and number at 2. (Newsflash: Someone else added to prof_dev with 4 links after I had done mine. So prof_dev stands at 6. And for the record, professionaldevelopment tag has 9 uses.) But the blog/blogs is a better example. Looking at the differences in the tags blog and blogs, there is no way to tell which is used more frequently without counting on the page and then counting on the earlier pages.
But this has occurred to other people. So maybe it will get solved. On the discussion list for, there is this request:
I was wondering if it would be possible (or if there is already a method that I haven't seen) to quickly see how many bookmarks are listed under a certain tag (for all users, not just one). For example, if I view my own bookmarks for the tag "blah", it says "showing all X items". But if I view the tag "blah" for all users (e.g., it doesn't show this count.
Another suggestions, (which I had not even considered) (also in that link):
it also would be great if there was a way to filter redundant links/bookmarks in the tags from all users. If I search at for something I often have to browse through lots of pages until I find something I haven't seen on the last 5 pages or so.
dilemma two: finding websites about professional development for educators when I don't know websites to start with (if I knew a website I could see what people are tagging it with, but I don't have the websites to begin with, because that is my dilemma) and I don’t know the tags that people might use.
anything important enough to have a reasonable number of people tagging
it will have the bundling done for it due to the very nature of,
as can be seen by the preponderance of things turnign up as both delicious