Monday, March 21, 2005
Reading/Not Reading
I am watching SuperNanny, which I love. I love her accent and how she takes charge. What I do not love is how Jo only has three outfits. Surely she is being paid by someone. Why does she always where the eggplant suit and glasses for the first visit and black pants and solid shirt the next visit? A little variety would be much appreciated.
I put up my latest personal tally sheet on the fridge. I give myself points for eating Superfoods, exercising, and keeping up with my housework and school work. Today is about a 3 point day. Not good. I am thinking about adding a new category for "reading/not reading". Because I was just reading my email book club email. The lady who runs the book club was reading some of her email that she gets in which someone said, "I don't know when the last time was that I got so into a book that I just couldn't put it down." This is a foreign idea to me. Usually (unless I am forced into reading a book) once I pick it up, I don't do anything until the book is finished. (Fortunately at this time in my life I have the time to read voraciously.)
So I started a new rule. In between books, I have one day book-free, where I get everything done. So maybe I will add that column to give me a point for following the rule.