Sunday, March 20, 2005
Home again, home again
I am back in Austin after a great week in Kansas with my parents and sister. I thought that it would be a long relaxing week, but turns out I had so much to do that it wasn't that long or relaxing. I got to spend good time with my parents. We went to church, out to eat, and hung out at the house. I rented 3 movies with my sister. We watched Sky Captain of Tomorrow. There is more to that title but I can't remmber it right now. It was cute and interesting. We watched Princess Diaries 2, once the regular way and then again with commentary. Oh how I love commentary. Then we also watched Saved and then made my parents watch it too. It was very funny and thought provoking.
My dad took Monday off of work and we went bowling and played pool, air hockey, and ski ball. It was fun.
I saw the youth director at my old church and we had lunch together. I also went to Williams-Sonoma and said hi, but neither of my favorite managers were there, so it wasn't really that special. It was rather awkward even. It is a little sad because I felt so at home there when I worked there. I have never worked anywhere for as long as I was there (1.5 years) and not I don't feel like this store is home, so I have no workplace where I feel completely at home. Oh well.
I missed my computer while I was gone. All of my favorites and how I have firefox just to my specifications. I tried to use internet explorer, but had to download firefox on the second day I was there.
I was able to retrieve most of the things I left in Kansas. Most important were files I had left on the computer. I also brought back my precious scrapbooking supplies and a cool game called TriBond. I spent the week looking for a necklace that I got for 9th grade graduation from my aunt and a pearl ring that I got from my mom for college graduation. I was so sad when I couldn't find them because I had already looked and looked here. I just prayed that I would find them here, because they were not in Kansas. Then last night we got back and I found them in a box under my sink. But I swear that box did not exist before.