Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Tag: You are IT!
I refuse to get Facebook. First, because I can't. Silly how graduating makes you "not a student" anymore. I could get an alumnae email which would enable me to get a facebook account, but.. Second, I would get addicted like all of those other people out there. And the thing is, I already have too many things to be addicted to. Like Del.icio.us. And now thanks to Del.icio.us there are so many other links on the internet to explore. Have I done anything productive today? No, but I am in the process of reading this Salon article that is pointing me to so many more fabulous places.
- - At 43 Things, many many people want to get rid of their gmail invites. (sidenote: I just noticed i now have 50 gmail invites. Gmail you are on notice. This is ridiculous. Just open up the email to everyone. You know I love you Gmail. I do. But really. Do you think I have 50 friends that don't already have a gmail account? What am I going to do with these invitations? If I couldn't get rid of the 6 that I had for months, how am I going to get rid of the 50? I do love the little box that you added to the the bottom of my mailbox though. Sure, maybe that will help me get rid of the invitations. ) Back to 43 Things. This is a cool things-to-do-before-I-die list that people write in tag form and then they are all linked together. Like Del.icio.us and Gmail, everything is about the tag. That is what the Salon article is about.
- At Flickr, photos are uploaded, tagged, and shared.
- At Books we Like books are recommended, tagged, etc. Fantastic!
- (still reading the Salon article) It says the members at Del.icio.us are still in the early adopters phase. WOW! I am an early adapter. I always wanted to be an early adopter.