Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Blog details
Jacki left me a message and then mentioned my blog today. Wow. Its like Christmas or something! How exciting!
Instead of doing pilates or working on homework or going to the bank today, I worked on this blog and added some things to the sidebar. I put pictures of the books I am reading right now. These are books I am reading for future reference in teaching and librarianship. I had to read So Super Starry for a review that I am writing for the school district. This Thursday there will be a secondary librarians meeting at our library and we *may* have time for booktalks to share the books everyone has read. So Super Starry was a good book, an easy read. It took me a while to get into it, but I think that was because I was forced into reading it. Whenever someone tells me I have to read a book for a purpose, it ruins it for me. But overall, I liked the book. It is funny and has a good, "be yourself" sort of message.
I am really looking forward to Stargirl because I love Jerry Spinelli. Well, I have only read one other book by him but I LOVE Maniac Magee. Love it. So I am looking forward to Stargirl.
And I am also looking forward to The Burn Journals, although I know it will be a tough read and I am not sure I can do it. It is about a boy who wants to commit suicide so he lights himself on fire but then chickens out and so he doesn't die but he is severely burned. The book is about the healing of him, physically and mentally. I heard a lot about this book from the listservs I subscribe to and also it is one of the books on the Tayshas list for 05-06. I didn't know about the Tayshas (rhymes with "Hey Laws") list until moving here. It is a book list for Texas Young Adults. At the library conference I went to yesterday one of the small sessions had many many booktalks over these Tayshas books. They looked very interesting.
So that is what I am reading. Some quality young adult literature. I am probably reading some other stuff, but I doubt it is quality enough to share.