Wednesday, January 26, 2005
new beginnings
I haven't posted in so long. There has been so much going on. The move to Austin and starting new schools and new jobs. And being without internet. And then being sick. Ick! Still being sick.
I feel pretty grown up now, getting bills in my name and all. I got a bill today for $1.27, which really cracked me up. Especially thinking about the fact that if I were to mail it in, the postage would account for about 1/5 of the bill. That is just wrong.
I have been making to do lists and socializing with other humans and reading and watching television and cooking and dowloading cool software. I got a firefox browser and Picasa 2 for my pictures and I even successfully imported my favorites from Kansas to this new computer. I was proud.
The apartment is a mess and rather warm for being JANUARY. Mother Nature needs to get a clue. Summer is going to last long enough as it is. I have already broken one glass and one bowl and lost my remote control at least once (it was in my bed, even though the tv is in the living room) . It's not too bad of a start.