Tuesday, November 23, 2004
1. The move to Austin is official. While region XIII does not want me and is "unable to respond to telephone or written inquiries relative to this decision", I have found another way. I even paid my first tuition payment and bought my first two books.
2. My sister is coming home today. Good news: My sister is coming home today. Bad news: the bathroom needs to be cleaned for her.
3. I haven't substituted in the last two weeks because I have been busy with Library School work and W-S job and the catering job (which I quit) and other things. Oh, yeah, and I don't like getting up early by a ringing telephone telling me to get out of my warm bed and go be with kids who don't like me. Who knew? Next week I intend to get back on schedule. Hmm maybe not because
4. Next week I am going Apartment buying in Austin. Woo hool. Crossing the fingers and toes and everything that a one bedroom remains in the place I want it.
5. Today is my 24.25 birthday. Which means only 365 days until I am 25.25. If that isn't special, I don't know what is.
6. I found my battery charger which means that I can finally take another picture. And it may snow tonight. Not much, but wow. I love it.